Samson and delilah videos youtube

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When my father and sister lay dead in the ashes of our home, because of Samson, he laughed at my tears. I suggest the Princes of Gaza find some other way to capture Samson. If you crush the life out of me I'd kiss you with my dying breath!īound by these white arms? No.

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Hold this fork-tongued adder before I put a heel on her. You're the only thing in the world I want.

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I made Ahtur steal the riddle's secret from Semadar. Oh she'll grow into a rare blossom.ĭid a thornbush steal the chariot that took you to the lion? Did a thornbush tell the Saran how you killed it with your bare hands? No, I did, and he believed me, then you chose Semadar. Have you ever seen eyes like that? So full of love for you? See the whiteness of her skin, smooth as a young dove's. She's fairer than Semadar, and much, much more beautiful.

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